Transformation – Struggle Required?

I found the following article when reviewing some previously collected pieces of interest (author unknown), entitled “Struggle” — and felt it was an interesting description of how struggle is often required for our forward progress when intending to transform our lives.

I’ve added my comments at the end of the piece regarding the author’s reference of “cocoon”.

Struggle  — Author Unknown

The butterfly has long been a symbol of transformation – from the lowly, limited caterpillar state to the elegant, free, graceful experience of “butterfly”.

In between those two stages is the “cocoon”. The place we retreat to when life becomes difficult.

There’s a story about a cocoon that was seen pulsating with internal activity. The observer realized that it was a butterfly struggling to be free.

The observer continued to watch the phenomenon of nature to the point where he could no longer stand to watch the agony, the butterfly’s struggle any longer.

So, in order to help, he took a sharp, effective knife and carefully cut an incision into the wall of the cocoon – avoiding the developing creature inside.

After removing the butterfly which could only flutter now in this premature state, he realized that it is the very struggle which strengthens the wings of the butterfly to allow it to fly, to actually soar in graceful abandon.

We, too, experience this kind of transformation in our lives when we allow ourselves the opportunity to really struggle.

Actually, when we are in a struggle, we’re like babies. Have you seen any babies lately?

Their determination is focused and deliberate. They’re at times, unsuccessful, but never daunted, because, like for us, sources of help are ever available – even when we’re unaware of the love that surrounds us. Just like the “lullabies” we sing to little ones, we also have resources that both encourage and nurture us, our “lullabies”.

Consider the struggles you have had or need to have, the many “lullabies” or sources of love and help that are available to be accessed, and how you can experience the “flight” when you embrace the invitation to fly free of your limitations, your cocoon.


Coach’s Comment

Utilizing Struggle in a Positive, Transformational Way

Our cocoon is usually made up of our patterns that keep us stuck, repeating the same behaviors and getting the same results. Results that are not moving us forward, but are keeping us stuck. Taking time to examine our cocoon gives us insight as to what might need to change.

The struggle of transformation requires us to make new choices, to expand our comfort zone – to try something new. Until we are clear about what is not working, about what is keeping us stuck, our struggle will be against our progress rather than propelling us forward. Utilize the struggle to discover how life might get easier, if you were clear, focused, and moving towards accomplishing your dreams, rather than staying stuck in the same old patterns of cocoon.

Thanks for checking in!


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